Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy Wrath-iversary! Let's Eat Cake!

One year ago today I sewed some pink sparkly "FTW" letters onto a toque. Donned my Horde t-shirt over my Coronation Street long sleeve shirt. Over top of my coat was my [4th] Doctor Who-esque scarf with some rainbow gloves to match.

Suitably clad in as much warm geek wear as I could find, my husband and I stood in a short line at the Future Shop for an hour or so waiting for 12:00am to get our hands on Wrath of the Lich King. We stood behind a girl dressed as either Lady Sylvanas or a basic night elf hunter. We didn't want to ask, but kudos to her for standing in the freezing cold with just some boots and a cape. (She got second place in the costume contest which got her to the front of the line and a copy of the Collector's Edition.)

When we got our game back home and after a long installation due to some computer memory issues I was in EPL with Gov doing a few of the DK starter quests. Nearing 1:30am I hopped over to Pacheco who was eagerly awaiting the boat to Northrend as well as getting XP for the first time in months. I was so tired, but knew that I couldn't sleep without peaking into Borean Tundra and seeing all the new animals I could skin. :)

Over the year I've only managed to get 2 level 80s and three others into Northrend, but the game is still fun for me. As a guild we have had an awesome time raiding, getting loads of achievements and just having a great time together - which is the most important part!

I think we should all gather in the Dalaran Inn tomorrow for cake and a bit of dancing! mmm cake!


  1. I still have yet to get a third character to Northrend. How sad is that?

    But yes, a mini-party would be nice. Though Chawa and I are going to a cross faction "Raid for the Cure" thingy tomorrow as well. There will be LOTS of pink! You'd love it! :D

  2. Yes, come with us!!! I made a Delicious Chocolate Cake just for the occasion!

  3. Oh yes! I had it in my head that it was next week! I'll be there if the server doesn't crash!
