Our [wonderful] guild is full of friends and family and couples. Because we are also all altaholics at any one time we have one or two combinations of Tank/Healer, Tank/DPS, Healer/Healer and DPS/Healer couples. It can make some fights easier. For example, our first time fighting Ingis my husband tanked and I shattered the adds. He would call out to me when and where he was pulling the adds and I was there to help. Healers can talk to each other if things start to go south and a tank/healer couple generally have a good sense of what the other person is doing (ie – are they ready or are they in the kitchen getting beers).
We've gone through every one of the dungeons in WoW and many of the raids without using Vent. Our method is for one or two people to explain the fight to anyone new (or in need of a refresher), people ask questions and then we go in. Sometimes we have a learning curve with a wipe or two but once we all know our role we can down the boss. I think that in this way getting achievements or doing content the first time really feels like a genuine achievement. You have to remember things like "am I supposed to stand still during FLAME WREATH or run around and kill the raid" or "I know the Zombie Chow is heading toward Gluth but Decimate is not up – I'll let the kiters do their job and continue burning the boss down".
Of course, this would all be easier if we all communicated through Vent to each other. We could say, "Don't. Stand. In. Stuff" and know that we were heard, rather than frantically type it and hope that we notice it in party/raid chat. Sometimes lines of text get lost in guild chat or in item rolls which is bad if you miss an "afk 1 sec".
Easier to correct mistakes or apologizing for said mistakes.
We could understand sarcasm better.
We could hear the angelic voices of our guild (and I know at least one of them has a great singing voice!)
Cons of Vent:
Doesn't it cost money?
We might lose our fast typing skills!
People might find out that I'm a girl!
With Deadly Boss Mods, raid warnings, quick typers and an overall very capable guild, we may not need Vent. However, it might be worth it to hear everyone especially while celebrating when we down a boss for the first time!
Yes, Vent costs money. But it's not too much.
ReplyDeleteI think the biggest downside is that I don't think everyone has a working mic/speakers for it. So we'd likely still have to type stuff out for some people.
Personally, I would like for us to start using it, but we'd have to get everyone on board before it would make any sense to do it.
Cons of vent:
ReplyDeletemy squeeky voice.
Personally, I'd like to add Vent to my WoW experience... I guess hearing about other guilds that guild chat via vent has made me curious. The benefits of it when raiding are clear to me! And even if not everyone had a mic, just hearing the instructions/explanations might be worthwild. They can always type their comments and questions if they had any.
Of course, i already foresee a learning curve when it comes to not interupting another in Vent! I have a hard time avoiding that in RL already...