Thursday, October 1, 2009

@darthregis Nice work on the BBB reply! Well said!

I’m ticking away at Loremaster (Eastern Kingdoms & Kalimdor) on Pacheco. I am very far away (440/550 and 535/685) from the stage where I’m trying to find quests. I skipped a lot while levelling this toon mostly due to the fact that I shit-scared a lot of the time. Sometimes I would abandon quest chains because I didn’t want to go back to the place I had just been or did not pick up quests that were in the same area. Escort quest? No thanks! Lots of group quests were ignored because up until about my 30’s (when the guild formed) I did not want to talk to anyone and I didn’t respond to /whispers from strangers. In a game with millions of people I preferred to be left alone (and that’s generally still the case).

Sometimes it is boring do all the back and forth traveling and grinding but I’m thinking of it as a way to pay homage to the zones before they get destroyed/reshaped. I could also do this by playing any one of my level 20 alts, but Pacheco gets the “honour”.


  1. Thanks for the props. I completely forgot to mention that our pugger only talked in Morse Code. "." ".-.. ---."

    Good luck on the Loremaster. I don't have the patience... or much interest, really, to do that. I get a chance to experience it with my alts, and even then, I've seen most of it twice or three times now such that I just grind it out.

    It'll be an alt weekend for us. Spooky tonight with Stinka, and while Chawa is having some real-life fun on Saturday, I'll probably hit up my hunter again. If you're in the area and have some quests for Maraudon or whatever, just let me know and you can run Trappy through. ;)

  2. I sent trappy a crossbow - but probably too low level for you.

  3. He's at 38. It's probably too high. :P
