Sunday, April 26, 2009

8 hours later...

1 Spring Rabbit's foot: 100 chocolates
1 set Spring Robes: 50 chocolates
1 bunch of Spring flowers: 50 chocolates
Chocoholic achievement: 100 chocolates

Finding the Spring Rabbit's foot immediately after you pay the vendor for it? priiiiiceless!!

310 chocolates later, elegant dress x 2, tuxedo shirt x4 and tuxedo pants x 6 a tour around the deserts of Azeroth and a very grueling hour searching for females who seemed to all be hiding (blood elves aside):

My favourite item is the Spring Circlet. That gem will sit in my bank for a long, long time. So I guess it was worth it?


  1. I found this event really easy. I got pretty lucky with my drops, and I only had to buy flowers, the polymorph, and then egg to hide in Silvermoon.

    So, 175 eggs needed for everything. Had like, three paws drop for me (Chawa had like five or six drop for her).

    Anyway, yeah, found it easy... almost easy enough to do it on Natural as well... but probably not. :)

  2. Well, I can see why venting on a blog didn't help you with Mr.I-found-this-event-really-easy's comment. Sheesh...

    Oh look - I've finally figured out how to comment on blogspots. MONTHS TOO LATE. This must be an achievement!
