Thursday, November 26, 2009


I got the Pilgrim title last evening thanks to a very kind dwarf idling outside of the Dalaran bank. Also a /cheer to a kindly Draenei Shaman, Daresa, who shared the boat from Darnassus with me and passed food to me at the Exodar table – even though I was flagged and had to kill one of their guards. After murder, I build up an appetite that only can only be satisfied by eating cranberry sauce.

Favourite part of this holiday? My very own PIE CHAIR MINION. How I would love to have one of these in real life! The pie selection has something to be desired and pumpkin is not my favourite. WTB lemon pie chair!

As a quick follow up to yesterday’s post, we’re celebrating American Thanksgiving this year at the Propeller Brewery on Saturday! It’s one of our very tasty (okay favourite) local craft breweries! I’m particularly fond of their honey wheat beer and I think it will go well with the apple pie cookies I’m bringing (via Evil Shenanigans).

1 comment:

  1. wow - those apple pie coookies look quite tasty!

    Grats on the achievement! I'm still looking for a dwarf rogue but there is still time yet!
