Sunday, December 6, 2009

10 more sleeps!

Christmas is coming upon us quickly and soon the stores and streets will be full of cheery shoppers and tables will be bending under delicious turkeys, pies and sweets.

This is our first Christmas together in our own place so we've decided to stay in the city. We'll eat a big breakfast starring bacon, with an appearance by hollandaise sauce but croissants will certainly steal the show. After coffee and presents we'll most likely turn to WoW for a bit and then to our parents for tasty turkey dinner! We'll end the evening as we've done in the past by watching the Doctor Who Christmas episode. I'm already feeling cozy and festive just by typing this!

But before Christmas is here we've got another fun world event jingling towards us! Winter Veil!! You may have your shopping done for your sweet heart, but do you have your Winter Veil presents wrapped yet? Azeroth is like a giant mall and there are no lines at any of the stores! In fact most of the gifts you can give are ones that are free - as long as you are fine with a bit of bloodshed. I know you are!!!

A few stacks of wool cloth might be nice for a lowbie alt to help them level first aid or tailoring.

If you've got a high level tailor why not make their alt a few frostweave bags? I always find questing and grinding much more enjoyable when I do not have to struggle with inventory space.

Or maybe run them through a low level dungeon for some nice twink items. With all that empty inventory from their new bags they are free to collect all that wonderful garbage that at one point you may have coveted.

But what if your husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/BFF has 10 characters all over level 70 and most sitting at 80? What do you give them if they already have 20 stacks of chilled meat for the cooking dailies?

Most of the ideas I have either use an exorbitant amount of game gold or even a considerate amount of real money. The two in-game pets that Blizzard released are pretty cute. There may be some pets on the AH house to get that could potentially set you back a bit of gold - everyone likes pets right?. A piece of crafted epic gear for a high level alt would be a nice gift too!

The best gift of all, of course, it that of time. Spending time with your significant nerd either in the game or snuggled up eating cookies and drinking eggnog is the best gift to give and won't cost you anything! (aww)

Besides, Winter Veil is all about having fun and wearing a gnome costume!


  1. Sadly, only now have I started giving a shit about the holiday achievements, so I've got things scattered between both my mains.

    I think it was Winter's Veil that made me give up last year because my cooking was way too low on any of my toons. Now I'm finally prepared. And I hope this year goes much better.

    Then maybe I'll finally get that drake before Cataclysm comes out.

  2. Now that I'm not afraid of PvP I'm a bit more interested in getting a few more event achievements :)
