Friday, December 18, 2009

WTB 1 Extra Hour

Friday evening to do list:


Go to grocery store

Make genoise chocolate cake

Make dairy-free chocolate cake

Make meringue mushrooms

Make coconut ice cream

Mix up artichoke & spinach dip

Caramelize onions

Slice cheese for platter

Frost sugar cookies

Make chocolate mousse

Make mocha cakes



I think I can fit it all in*.  I've been prepping for our party tomorrow and Christmas in general so WoW is taking a bit of a hit this week (and next).  I did manage to correctly perform the "Fa-la-la-la-la Ogri'la" Achievement last evening and I only need 22 more kills as a gnome to finish off Winter Veil. 


Then all I have to do is wait patiently to OPEN PRESENTS!!!!!!!!!


*I will not fit it all this in!

1 comment:

  1. I hope we're all overgeared enough now to make Maly a cakewalk. I want that jerkhole to die die die.
